indesign interactive pdf tab order

Sort the tab order for interactive pdfs.

Name your fields:

1,field name

2,another field

3, and another field

If you need to insert fields, name the field 1.5, inserted field. This would insert the field between 1 and 2

No error checking.

Always backup your work before using this script.

//DESCRIPTION: Form Field order.


#targetengine "FormFieldOrder";

main ();

function main ()


if ( app.documents.length <= 0 )


var formFields = [];

formFields = app.activeDocument.layoutWindows[0].activePage.tabOrder;

formFields.sort ( function ( a, b )


var aN = Number ( ( ",")[0] );

var bN = Number ( ( ",")[0] );

if ( aN < bN )

return ( -1 );

if ( aN > bN )

return ( 1 );

return ( 0 );


app.activeDocument.layoutWindows[0].activePage.tabOrder = formFields;
