
IndexUtilities is a collection of scripts and plugins that help embed index markers in InDesign. IndexUtilities is available for Mac / Win InDesign CS 6 to CC2023.

Why would I want to use IndexUtilities?

IndexUtilities is now free. The free version is a collection of scripts that run from the InDesign Scripts Panel.

You can download the free scripts here.

The scripts do not have the Index Utilities menu installed into the InDesign application window. The scripts should be run from the Scripts Panel.

To import an index, the index needs to be formatted., tabs before the subs and double space before the locators. CINDEX can export to this format when you export to RTF.

0. Make a backup of your documents.

1, open all the documents that index will be used in.

2. paste the formatted index into a temporary document. Select the text that you want included into the index.

3. run the IndexImporter script. When you are happy with what you see in the floating palette, press the build index button.

3.1. Make a backup.

4. Use MarkerMover to move the index markers from the temporary text frames into the correct position on the page.

4.1 Make a backup.

5. Remove the temporary text frames.

6. Build the index using the InDesign index palette.

When the scripts are installed you should see them in the scripts folder. see image below.

Do not run the scripts in the IndexScripts folder, use the scripts above this folder. If you do accidentally run a script from the IndexScripts folder, save your work and restart InDesign.

Most of the pages below refer to the InDesign PlugIn and are left as reference for those users.


Moves InDesigns embedded markers to a new position on the page. Particularly useful after using IndexImport.


Find all these tools under one menu.


A quick, easy way to see your index markers on the page. A clickable list that can be arranged in page number or by alpha index.


QuickIndex. QuickIndex Search

A way to add embedded indexes to an InDesign document without having to go through InDesign dialog.



Imports indexes created in DIS. SKY CINDEX and MACREX ( soon ).


Not supported


Get your InDesign index back into DIS.




Displays a palette to help edit InDesign embedded indexes. The list can be arranged in page number or by alpha index.


Not supported, not needed since InDesign CC has live indexes.


Creates hyperlinks to an existing index, ideal for ePUB.

Create a fully clickable index for ePUB or PDF directly from your DIS index.



A collection of useful routines: OrphanKiller, OrphanMerger, PageRanger, OrphanMarkerRemover and RefRemover.


Find out how to use the plugin, manual.

IndexUtilities has some preferences. The preferences set the column widths in the Utilities palettes and the highlight is used to help show the active field.

Set the column widths for the palettes and the colour of the active field in a palette.

A video of IndexImport and HyperLinker 4.5 mins in length. The index was created by Mary Harper in SKY. The book is "dragon-ball-z-its-over-9000" by Derek Padula.

372 index entries added and hyperlinked. The hyperlinks can be exported to ePub.

You can buy IndexUtilities here.

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indexing indesign, indesign indexing, hyperlink indesign index, SKY index indesign.