Palette Explained
1, From revision popup
2, To revision popup
3, New revision
4, Hide / Show EditMarks
5, On / Off EditMarks
6, Goto previous EditMark. Hold the Alt key to accept the current change and move on to the previous EditMark. Hold the Alt+Shift to reject and move to the previous EditMark.
7, Goto next EditMark. Hold the Alt key to accept the current change and move to the next EditMark. Hold the Alt+Shift to reject and move to the next EditMark.
8, Shows the content of the current EditMark.
9, Create a CPO ( Changed Pages Only ) list of pages. Uses the currently revision selection, the from and to popup menus.
10, Show EditMarks StrikeThrough
11 Hide EditMarks StrikeThrough
12, Accept EditMarks for the document
13, Accept EditMarks for the Story.
14, Accept EditMarks for the selection.
When using any of the Accept or Reject options you should not be showing strikethrough.
To see the content of a delete from the palette, hover the mouse over the short description and you will see a tooltip popup.
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