
PDFStickies allows you to create PDF annotations directly from InDesign notes.

PDFStickies is available for InDesign desktop 5, 5.5, 6 and InDesign CC, also InDesign Server.

PDFStickies can be used to show InDesign Notes and InDesign Track Change / EditMarks deletes in interactive PDFs.

The sticky notes are PDF annotations and will appear in INTERACTIVE PDF. If you would like to print the PDFStickies / annotations to print pdf, we have a free script, here. The script works with the plugin.

To Activate / De-Activate PDFStickies use the preferences found with the application preferences.

See a sample document here.

To see the Stickies you will need to down load the PDF.

Contact us for more info.

You can buy PDFStickies here.

PDFStickies user manual.

Some tags.

InDesign PDF annotations, indesign pdf notes, PDF sticky notes, InDesign notes, InDesign Post-it notes, InDesign track changes as pdf annotations see EditMarks.