MarkerMover compliments IndexImporter. Or, you just might want to move an index marker without going through InDesigns moving loop.
The plugin allows you to quickly move markers from one location to another on the same page without having to remove and then re-insert.
As you click through the document the palette is automatically updated with index markers for the current page.
If you have the "Show All Pages" check box checked the plugin has already loaded the pages so you will Not notice a change in the list. If you wanted to change a marker from page 1 to page 10. Check the "Show All Pages" check box, choose the index marker from the list, goto the page, select the correct position on the new page and press "Move".
The "Only New Markers" check box filters the list so that only markers found in the temporary text frame that IndexImporter created are shown.
Use the Prev. Pg. and Next Pg. buttons for quick navigation.
Click into the InDesign page at the new location and press the move button. Command keys can be set for the 'Move' button.
Assign keyboard shortcuts to marker moving even quicker.
Double click the list to find the index marker on the page.
Find out more, contact us.
InDesign index marker mover, InDesign embedded index updater.