Xchange Strings / XStrings
A free script that allows you to create multi find / change sets and run java scripts in sequence.
The Indexing.txt popup lists all the XStrings sets. Click the menu to change the current set. XString sets are text files created in the ~user/documents/XStrings folder. To create a new set, use the Save / Save As button and give the current set a new name.
The F or G popup indicates if this is a GREP or find change.
The From and To fields contain the find change criteria.
The DO button at the end the find change strings executes that find change.
Prev Page shows the previous page in this XString set.
Next Page shows the next page in this XString set.
! button to insert a new XString before the current XString.
Currently you can have 500 pairs of strings in a set.
Save / Save As, allows you to save the current set with a new name. The new XString set is added to sets popup menu.
Do XStrings, executes all of the current XString set.
The find change from field can contain find change / GREP special characters.
Use the special menu to add special characters. To extend the number of special characters, create a text file called "SpecialChars.txt" in the XStrings folder in your documents folder. The text file should take this format.
Use the special menu to insert empty XStrings.
If the find from field contains the name of an InDesign saved Find/Change or GREP query, the saved query is executed.
If the from field is the name of a jsx or jsxbn script located in the XStrings folder, the script is executed. A simple use for such a script would be to alert you when the XStrings have been executed. Here is the done script: alert ( "All Done!" ); Copy this script into a file "done.jsx", place it in your XStrings folder and make the last from field in your XString set, done.jsx.
You can download the free script, HERE. We are on V1.0.17 Beta.
If you are an indexer and would like to receive our XString set that cleans up indexes, please contact us.